The Hominid Post
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A Photographer Visited A Lost Mongolian Tribe.

No one will make you do the things you love–so here’s how to make yourself

Grace Dove: The Woman Who Played Leonardo DiCaprio’s Wife in The Revenant

Three Big Mysteries of Human Evolution We Still Don’t Understand

A Burial Machine That Will Freeze Your Corpse, Vibrate It to Dust, and Turn It Into Soil

Maybe It’s Time to Take Animal Feelings Seriously

The Art Of Smudging – A Shamanic Cleansing Ritual

How Humans Became Meat Eaters

Human DNA found in a Neandertal woman

Meat-Eating Among the Earliest Humans

Being Bilingual Changes the Architecture of Your Brain

Brain road maps’ reflect behavior differences between males and females

Here’s How Meditation Reduces Inflammation And Prevents Disease

German Forest Ranger Finds That Trees Have Social Networks, Too

After Ebola, Surf’s Up Again In Liberia

Could the Funeral of the Future Help Heal the Environment?

Can science fiction really predict the future?

Rethinking the Calorie