The Hominid Post
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The Intersection of Sociobiology and Epigenetics: A Biocultural Anthropology Perspective

The Aryans: From Ancient Identity to Modern Misuse

Basic Safety Equipment You Should Wear When Playing Football

The Biggest Risks to Every New Garden

How to Achieve More Balance in Your Diet

How to Rewild Your Backyard

Are Humans REALLY That Smart? A new book says it’s complicated.

7 Homo species close to present human that existed on the Earth.

The Stanford Prison Experiment

The Hidden Costs of Happiness

The 10 oldest musical instruments

How Mike Tolkien’s legacy lives on in the bucket list he left his brother before he died of motor neurone disease

School shooters usually show these signs of distress long before they open fire, our database shows

Why Humans Are So Smart—And So Stressed Out

Why millennials don’t deserve the bad stereotypes they get

Emotional Intelligence Has a Dark Side. And That’s Exactly Why You Need It

Could the language barrier actually fall within the next 10 years?

Amazon Indians at risk in mercury poisoning crisis