The Hominid Post
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Evolution Archive

How Humans Became Meat Eaters

Human DNA found in a Neandertal woman

Solving the evolutionary puzzle of menopause

The five most common misunderstandings about evolution

Meat-Eating Among the Earliest Humans

Being Bilingual Changes the Architecture of Your Brain

Brain road maps’ reflect behavior differences between males and females

Do you have blue eyes? According to SCIENCE this is your common ancestor

Birthing the Field of Cultural Evolution

The Paradox of Human Warfare Explained

Humans Evolved by Sharing Technology and Culture

25 Remarkable Photographs of Gorillas

Like Mother, Like Daughter–the Science Says So, Too

An Ancient, Brutal Massacre May Be the Earliest Evidence of War

Average Age Of First-Time Moms Keeps Climbing In The U.S.

Could This Be Humanity’s Last Century?