The Hominid Post
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Evolution Archive

The Intersection of Sociobiology and Epigenetics: A Biocultural Anthropology Perspective

Dual Inheritance Theory: Bridging Cultural and Biological Evolution in Human Development

The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Human Cultural and Biological Evolution: A Dual Inheritance Perspective

The Key Concepts of Sociobiology

3 Parts of the Body That No Longer Have a Use

Are Humans REALLY That Smart? A new book says it’s complicated.

7 Homo species close to present human that existed on the Earth.

Why Men Need to Focus on Being Active as They Age

3 Distinguished Linguists Examine Mysterious Origin of Native Americans

Tweak in gene expression may have helped humans walk upright

Can Animals Think Abstractly?

The Importance of Human Relationships

The Surprising Science Behind Addiction

Why Humans Are So Smart—And So Stressed Out

Compassion Sets Humans Apart

Our large brains evolved thanks to an ancient ‘arms race’ for resources and mates

Does Conflict Drive Cooperation?

UCLA research reveals how new behaviors appear and spread among capuchin monkeys