The Hominid Post
Science . Behavior . Ecology . Culture
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Being Bilingual Changes the Architecture of Your Brain

Brain road maps’ reflect behavior differences between males and females

Do you have blue eyes? According to SCIENCE this is your common ancestor

Do the seasons affect how we think?

Here’s How Meditation Reduces Inflammation And Prevents Disease

Is It Time To Stop Using Race In Medical Research?

German Forest Ranger Finds That Trees Have Social Networks, Too

Birthing the Field of Cultural Evolution

The Paradox of Human Warfare Explained

After Ebola, Surf’s Up Again In Liberia

Humans Evolved by Sharing Technology and Culture

25 Remarkable Photographs of Gorillas

Could the Funeral of the Future Help Heal the Environment?

Can science fiction really predict the future?

Rethinking the Calorie

Like Mother, Like Daughter–the Science Says So, Too

El Niño Does Bring Floods And Drought, But There’s A Silver Lining

Fairy Tales Could Be Older Than You Ever Imagined