The Hominid Post
Science . Behavior . Ecology . Culture
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Antarctica could be headed for major meltdown: UCLA geochemist finds striking similarities between climate change patterns today and millions of years ago

Why people oppose same-sex marriage: UCLA psychology study points to self-interest as a leading cause

Mysterious Chimpanzee Behavior May Be Evidence of “Sacred” Rituals

Can Teaching Evolution Help Kids Flourish In School And In Life?

Why do our cell’s power plants have their own DNA?

“Genetic Scissors” Can Completely Eliminate HIV From Cells

A Photographer Visited A Lost Mongolian Tribe.

No one will make you do the things you love–so here’s how to make yourself

Being a good parent will physiologically destroy you, new research confirms

Grace Dove: The Woman Who Played Leonardo DiCaprio’s Wife in The Revenant

Three Big Mysteries of Human Evolution We Still Don’t Understand

A Burial Machine That Will Freeze Your Corpse, Vibrate It to Dust, and Turn It Into Soil

Maybe It’s Time to Take Animal Feelings Seriously

The Art Of Smudging – A Shamanic Cleansing Ritual

Scientists Have “Reversed” Autism In Mice

How Humans Became Meat Eaters

Human DNA found in a Neandertal woman

Solving the evolutionary puzzle of menopause