What You Need to Know About Wisdom Teeth

If you’re like most people, you probably have heard about wisdom teeth but don’t know a whole lot about them. Wisdom teeth are the third set of molars that most people get in their late teens or early twenties. Despite being called “wisdom teeth,” they often cause problems and need to be removed. Here are three key things you need to know about wisdom teeth.

Why We Have Them

Wisdom teeth are perhaps one of the most commonly misunderstood aspects of human anatomy. For years, they have been portrayed as vestigial organs that serve no purpose other than to cause pain and crowded teeth. However, wisdom teeth play an important role in the development of the human jaw. They are the last teeth to come in, and their size and placement help to provide support for the rest of the teeth. In addition, wisdom teeth help to fill in any gaps that may have developed over time. As a result, they play an important role in maintaining the strength and stability of the jaw. While wisdom teeth may not be necessary for everyone, they do serve an important purpose. For this reason, it is important to understand why we have them and what role they play in our overall health.

Problems That Can Arise

Another key thing to know about wisdom teeth is the problems that can arise from them. Many people have their wisdom teeth removed because they crowd other teeth and can cause pain or damage. They can also trap food and bacteria, which can lead to cavities or gum disease. In some cases, wisdom teeth can come in at an angle and push against other teeth, causing them to become misaligned. Wearing a retainer after getting your braces removed helps make room for wisdom teeth. So if you’re thinking about getting your wisdom teeth removed, talk to your dentist first to see if it’s the right decision for you.

When to Get Them Looked At?

The final key thing to know about wisdom teeth is when to get them looked at. Many people wait until they are experiencing pain or other symptoms before they see a dentist, but by then it may be too late. Impacted wisdom teeth should be removed by a dentist or oral surgeon. In some cases, this can be done relatively easily, but in other cases, it may require surgery. For this reason, it’s important to talk to your dentist about your wisdom teeth and have them evaluated on a regular basis. That way, you can catch any problems early and avoid more serious issues down the road.

Wisdom teeth are an important part of human anatomy, but can also cause problems if they are not cared for properly. It is important to understand why we have them, the problems that can arise from them, and when to get them looked at by a dentist.

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