What to Know About a Visiting the Doctor During COVID-19

The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the way people interact throughout the year. Each business has similar policies regarding mask wearing and social distancing, but you may have specific concerns about medical visits. If you or someone you love is particularly vulnerable, you might not be sure how a doctor’s visit will go.

New Waiting Room Rules

A significant number of people who visit the hospital frequently fall into the immuno-compromised category. Because of this, some hospitals are offering new ways to wait for your appointment. This helps prevent the spread of the coronavirus by minimizing the amount of people in the waiting room.

For example, many places will have a digital queue. You can sign in through your phone to wait in a virtual “line.” You then wait in your car until you receive a notification that it is your turn in line. Other practices have their line inside as normal, but strictly enforce social distancing and mask wearing inside.

Source: https://www.greenwayhealth.com/knowledge-center/greenway-blog/social-distancing-waiting-room-tips-better-experiencehttps://www.greenwayhealth.com/knowledge-center/greenway-blog/social-distancing-waiting-room-tips-better-experience

Consider Remote Options

If going in-person still seems risky to you, consider remote options that technology has opened up. Telehealth has greatly expanded in many parts of the country during the pandemic. Telehealth is the use of technology to communicate and monitor your personal health. While not all health conditions can be resolved over the phone, some check-ups and therapy sessions can be performed digitally.

Certain apps can also connect you with your doctor in other ways. Weight loss and pregnancy apps can send data to your doctor so they can give medical advice and ask questions on the fly. There are so many unique tools at your disposal.

Source: https://www.podium.com/article/5-important-patient-experience-strategies-for-health-systems/https://www.podium.com/article/5-important-patient-experience-strategies-for-health-systems/

Minimize Touch Points

Doctors have found that minimizing touch points can also help prevent the spread of COVID-19. When visiting the doctor’s office, try and reduce the number of surfaces you touch. Not only will it reduce your chances of receiving the virus, but it can also protect other people. Make sure you wash your hands frequently as well.

If you want to help minimize touch points, you should avoid bringing cash or cards to the medical practice. Instead, ask for a contactless payment option. This may include Venmo, PayPal, or Apple Pay. Digital programs like this can help you slow the spread and keep your hands clean.

Source: https://www.digipay.guru/blog/contactless-payments-solutions-during-covid-19/https://www.digipay.guru/blog/contactless-payments-solutions-during-covid-19/

Visiting the doctor is just like other errands in the COVID-19 era. If you are concerned about the virus, social distance, wear your mask, and try to get along with other people. The new rules and procedures may take some getting used to, but they are essential in preserving public health during this uncertain time.

Read this next: Navigating COVID-19: How to Keep Your Students Safe

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