The Hominid Post
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Science Archive

How Three Women Known As The “Trimates” Revolutionized The Field Of Primatology

A golden age of ancient DNA science begins

One Of The Most Important Scientists In The World: “Most Cancer Research Is Largely A Fraud”

Humans: The Species That Changed Earth

Neanderthal-Human Trysts May Be Linked to Modern Depression, Heart Disease

Empathy Enhances Altruistic Behavior in Selfish People

Researchers Identify Virus and Two Types of Bacteria as Major Causes of Alzheimer’s

Why Monarch butterflies need a helping hand

The First Butchers: Were There Other Tool Makers and Meat Eaters in our Family Tree?

Sex Biology Redefined: Genes Don’t Indicate Binary Sexes

The Biology of Wonder | Finding the Human in Nature

A Game-Changer in the Study of Human Origins

Antarctica could be headed for major meltdown: UCLA geochemist finds striking similarities between climate change patterns today and millions of years ago

Why people oppose same-sex marriage: UCLA psychology study points to self-interest as a leading cause

Can Teaching Evolution Help Kids Flourish In School And In Life?

Why do our cell’s power plants have their own DNA?

“Genetic Scissors” Can Completely Eliminate HIV From Cells

Being a good parent will physiologically destroy you, new research confirms