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Evolution Archive

Saving the World’s Most Peaceful Primates | Karen Strier |

The Other Person That Discovered Evolution, Besides Darwin

Why Gazing At Babies May Be So Irresistible

Humans arrived in Arabia 10,000 YEARS earlier than thought: Group sought refuge on the Red Sea plains before spreading across the Middle East

When It Came To Food, Neanderthals Weren’t Exactly Picky Eaters

The Serengeti Rules: The Quest to Discover How Life Works and Why It Matters

Could the language barrier actually fall within the next 10 years?

Genetics reveals the impact of lifestyle on evolution

When heartbreak is fatal: Researchers examine the biology of bereavement

How Three Women Known As The “Trimates” Revolutionized The Field Of Primatology

A golden age of ancient DNA science begins

Forget memes. You should be studying cultural evolution

Humans: The Species That Changed Earth

Neanderthal-Human Trysts May Be Linked to Modern Depression, Heart Disease

The First Butchers: Were There Other Tool Makers and Meat Eaters in our Family Tree?

A Game-Changer in the Study of Human Origins

Mysterious Chimpanzee Behavior May Be Evidence of “Sacred” Rituals

Can Teaching Evolution Help Kids Flourish In School And In Life?